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Cities of Love franchise started 15 years ago as a series of motion pictures illustrating the universality of love in major cities around the world.

Each Cities of Love initiative focuses on a city bringing forth the distinctive qualities and character of that location while illuminating the stories and feeling in us all, bridging the gap between cultures, educating and entertaining at once, and aiming at making these cities better places to live.

Our future lies in cities, and each of them faces specific and serious challenges, ecological and social. Cities of Love platforms address today’s challenges with a positive entertaining tone.

The franchise and the ‘Cities of Love Foundation’ were created by the Award-Winning producer of Paris Je t’aime, Emmanuel Benbihy. The franchise aims to create the right media to place life, love, and positivity back in the spotlight… ‘The Cities of Love Foundation is committed to making a change in this world through media!’

The co-founder of Puspek, Ivan Gulas, was an Executive Producer of Berlin, I Love You, and is enthusiastic about our ongoing collaboration with Mr. Benbihy and the Cities of Love Foundation. Gulas is also in pre-production on another Cities of Love feature, and Purspek Foundation is collaborating on efforts to raise funding for ‘Cities of Love’ franchise films, with ROI expectations by all Foundation funding participants.

For information regarding participation opportunities, please click here to contact us.